Friday, September 30, 2005

One Day Left

I'm getting quite excited now, i've spent the day packing and doing last minute jobs and now i've just got to wait. I'm going to a restaurant where you can choose your steak before they cook it and then down scruffy's for my last night in the UK. Hopefully my next entry will be rather more interesting, see you in china!

Monday, September 19, 2005


So you're possibly thinking how much does all this cost? How can a student bum like Ash afford to travel for 6 months. Here's a wee breakdown

Plane Tickets (Star Alliance) £1600 inc Tax
Insurance £130
Spending money £3500 plus £3000 poker money should i need it.
Japan Rail pass £140 for 7 days
Rucksack £135

£30 for Hep B
£110 for Rabies

Vietnam £35
China £40

I was surprised how cheap the plane flights are and how much visas and injections cost. I still need malaria tablets and Laos and Cambodian visas which i expect will be about $40.

Fortunately most contries tie their currency to the dollar which is very weak compared to mighty pounds so once i'm out there things are going to be pretty cheap. E.g. accom in Hanoi is $6/night for a double, £1.60 each!

Sunday, September 18, 2005

The First Post

Hey! Glad you could make it.

Well this is going to be my online record of my forthcoming world trip. Me and my girlfriend suze are going 'round the world' for 6 months. First stop is Beijing on Oct 1st.

Then Japan
Hong Kong
Overland through Vietnam,Cambodia,Laos,Thailand,Malaysia
New Zealand