Thursday, October 20, 2005


Ah, it's time for another exciting update of the travels of suze and Ash, this time, Hanoi!

Hanoi is crazy, i mean mad. When Suze and I first stepped out of our hostel (great hostel btw, thanks binx) we just stared about in bewilderment wondering what to do. Someone gave everyone here enough money to buy a scooter so they all zoom about beeping their horns constantly, and they don't stop for pedestrians either. The way to cross the road here is to keep one eye on the traffic and slowly walk across the road so that they have time to steer round you, if someone stops then something's gone wrong. It's a bit unnerving but you rarely have to wait to cross a road, you just keep walking.

I was planning to pick up some Malarone malaria tablets here but when i went to the only place i could find that stocked them they told me it would be $55 to see the doctor and $9 per tablet! And i need about 70 of these things. So i went to another chemist and bought 70 doxycylcine for a fiver, i might get sunburnt but at least i'll have enough money to eat, bargain!

We've booked two tours starting tomorrow morning, the first is a boat trip around Halong Bay which is apparently reet pretty, and then after that we're doing two nights in Sapa which is an overnight train ride so that'll take about 4 days. Sapa is mountainous so we'll be trekking and staying with a local family one night, should be a laugh.

Last night we ended up sitting on the street drinking Bia Hoi which is perfectly good lager at 6p for about 2/3 of pint so we both got pissed for the grand total of about 70p. A decent meal here is about 1 pound but i imagine if we eat on the streets we can get it a good deal cheaper than that. I've nearly got photos working now, hopefully blogger will upload them soon and then you can all see Suze in a traditional conical hat carrying bananas, i know you can't wait!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

bia hoi! you know it
ah i bet suze got attacked by the same lady who put me in a conical hat carrying fruit.

Thursday, 20 October, 2005  

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